
What's New?

Masivet News, CPD Events and Congresses


CPD Events and Congresses

Our Masivet Team support many national and local educational events and veterinary congresses across the country. We are always happy to discuss new opportunities to present Masivet data either via trade exhibitions or CPD events.

Events attended during 2017

2nd-3rd September:
BSAVA Scottish Congress in Glasgow.

21st -22nd September
VETcpd Congress in Bath.

16th – 17th November  
London Vet Show.

Earlier this year

9th - 10th June  
Vet Fest.
Great CPD and a lot of fun meeting vets from across the UK outside in the wind, the rain and the sunshine at Loseley Park. Some of you might recognise this visitor to our stand??   

6th - 9th April  
BSAVA Congress in Birmingham.
The whole team, 4 days, exhausted!!   

20th - 22nd April
European Society of Veterinary Oncology in Lyons
A fantastic opportunity to speak with veterinary oncology specialists from all over Europe.

What’s in the news?

Did you know that 1 in 4 dogs will be affected by cancer in their lifetime? If your pet has cancer you may find this leaflet from the ACT useful.

Exciting news from our human oncology programme: New European patent for protecting the use of masitinib in pancreatic cancer patients with pain until 2033

The Animal Cancer Trust is attending the Scottish BSAVA in September – we will be sure to visit your stand:-)

Boosting the body’s immune system set to become the next major weapon in the fight against cancer.
We know that Masivet boosts tumour immune defence and look forward to advances in this exciting and important area.